Fully Funded Scholarship In King Abdullah University Of Science And Technology (KAUST) Saudi Arabia 2024- 2025
Begin your graduate studies in a community of scholars. KAUST Scholarship 2022 in Saudi Arabia is a golden opportunity for individuals who are looking for master’s and Ph.D. scholarships abroad. KAUST offers a fully-funded scholarship 2022 to international students from every corner of the world.
Amount of Scholarships
The scholarships will cover the following:
- Full tuition fee.
- Living Stipend $20,000-30,000 Annual depending on qualifications and progression through degree programs.
- Relocation support.
- Dental and medical coverage.
- Housing.
Level of Education
Scholarships available for Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) Masters, MS/PhD, PhD
Available Study Fields:
- Applied Maths and Computational Science
- Specialization
- Applied Mathematics
- Computational Science and Engineering
- Specialization
- Applied Physics
- Specialization
- Applied Physics
- Specialization
- Bioengineering
- Specialization
- Biosensors and Bioelectronics
- Bioinformatics and Machine Learning
- Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
- Synthetic Biology
- Specialization
- Bioscience
- Specialization
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Biomolecular Engineering
- Biophysics and Bioimaging
- Specialization
- Chemical Science
- Specialization
- Chemical Science
- Specialization
- Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Specialization
- Advanced Chemical Engineering
- Advanced Biological Engineering
- Specialization
- Computer Science
- Specialization
- Computer Science
- Specialization
- Earth Science and Engineering
- Specialization
- Solid Earth Systems
- Fluid Earth Systems
- Specialization
- Electrical Engineering
- Specialization
- Electrophysics
- Systems
- Specialization
- Energy Resources and Petroleum Engineering
- Specialization
- Energy Resources and Petroleum Engineering
- Specialization
- Environmental Sc. and Engineering
- Specialization
- Water Quality, Chemistry, and Treatment
- Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology
- Environmental Hydrology and Fluid Mechanics
- Materials for Environmental Science and Engineering
- Specialization
- Marine Science and Engineering
- Specialization
- Marine Science and Engineering
- Specialization
Eligibility Criteria
To be considered for KAUST Scholarship Program 2021 in Saudi Arabia, candidates must meet the program requirements listed below.
- Candidates from all over the world with any Nationality are eligible.
- Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply for Master’s Degree programs.
- Applicants with a Master’s degree are eligible to apply for Doctoral Degree programs
- A TOEFL or IELTS score is not required if the applicant received a degree from an accredited institution in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, or New Zealand.
- KAUST does not require the GRE exam for admission.
- KAUST requires a minimum TOEFL score of 79 on the IBT (Internet Based Test) or 6.0 on the IELTS (International English Language Testing System).
- Candidates must be healthy both physically and mentally, excellent in academic standing and with good conduct.
- Applicants may not hold any other scholarship at the same time.
- Complete and Full Application Form should be submitted.
- There is No Application Fee.
Selection Criteria
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) will assess your application on the basis of outstanding academic achievement, recommendation letters, English language proficiency, etc.
Please take note on the above eligibility criteria carefully.
How to Apply
Applicants must submit their application online via the university admission system.
Application Deadline
Round 1: 1 October 2023 (Finished)
Round 2: 13 January 2024
All interested students are encourage to apply as early as possible to receive an earlier decision and have ample time for visa processing.
Apply Now